Wow my apologies
How quickly I can forget about things! I was just reading over an email from Amanda and I was like oh shoot! I have not blogged in for-ev-er. (A little sandlot humor for you)
Alisha, I would love to put up photos... I'll have to wait till I get to my parents house to do so though. I can't do it here at work. I've done a few fun things over the last month. My friend Christina from school came to visit me. We did alot of shopping, almost too much in fact. Christmas and New Year's went well. It was fairly uneventful... I did go bowling on NYE and lost pretty badly. That was quite the memory. I have gotten sick again. I think I need to sleep alot more.
Reading Amanda's newsletter really made me miss KC. I would love to come out again soon, but the finances are pretty low right now. I'm always keeping my ear open for what God wants me to be doing and where he wants me to be. I haven't heard anything different from NH yet, but I can't help but wonder, ya know?
Not much has changed... Stability is kind of nice, however, I'm finding that some things are getting mundane. Oh well. God's cool enough to meet me where I am. :)
Upcoming things... I'll be speaking to the youthgroup in Feb. about my testimony. Pray that the right things will come forth. I'll be playing/singing this weekend in Sturbridge, Mass. for a Women of the Word rally, and I'm hoping this cold will not effect that.
Friends, that's all for now.