Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sorry should mean something

Why is it that when you don't want them to be around, they are. And when you want nothing more than their attention, they are no where to be found... It must be some large conspiracy. I'm just plain tired of it. I'm tired of excuses. I'm tired of "I'm sorrys." (after a while they just don't mean anything.

I wonder if I'm just supposed to take the hint and move on? But I'm not sure it is a hint. And if he wants to break up with me, he needs to have the guts to do it! I don't want to let him off easy. Although, no one really likes to hear whats wrong with them.

Actually this one's going to be short and not so sweet. This girl is plum tuckered out. Ta-ta.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Rinse and Repeat

You blink. A year goes by. Blink again, you may just find yourself somewhere you never thought you would be. Is it good? Sometimes. Though the more and more "life lessons" you learn, you wish you could learn things without having to go through so much pain.

I guess pain is supposed to teach you where not to go, or what not to do. For instance, when we were all younger, our moms and dads taught us not to touch the burner on the stove. It's hot. Often times a child needs to be told these things over and over. What is it with children? Why can't they get it the first time?

The same thing could be said about adults too. Especially in relationships. Why didn't you learn the first time that guys are ridiculous?! (Ok, maybe that's a little harsh... ) But seriously, why does it seem that we are doomed to pick the same people? The same people that treat you like crap... and think, hey, that's ok... Soooo frustrating. It's NOT ok.

I am not some girl that's just going to wait in the wings for you to call on your fancy. I am way more important to chase you. As my niece would say, girls are Princesses (actually she would say Trinssess, but that's besides the point.) And as a princess I'm supposed to be treated with care, respect, honesty. Yes at least have the decency to be honest.

Sometimes, I wish that the biggest problem I had was not to touch the stove....

Love hurts way more.