I am super good at keeping this up to date. Yeah. Totally.
Anyway, I'm going to skip the lame excuses as to why I haven't written and just cut to the chase. Alot has happened in these past few months. I moved from my apartment in March to live with a family from my church. I wish that I could still afford to live on my own, but for now this gives me the opportunity to pay off my debt. Well at least some of it because we all know that student loans, especially from Houghton, will take for-ev-er.
I met a boy :) We've been dating since March and things are going along quite famously. We do have our ups and downs just like any other couple, but I think things will endure. I just have to get him to stay awake through a Red Sox game. :)
I got fired from one of my jobs. Yeah, that was fun. I blame myself for what happened, even though it was a complete accident. Oh well, God knows what he's doing. However, it is a very humbling experience to be fired. I don't like it one bit.
I'm still working overnights... which can be very draining. I do wish to find another job that pays more and is during the day, but there isn't alot out there that interests me. I thought of going back to school, but that would put me further into debt. So right now I either have to just bear it, or possibly start a job that I don't like. Good times.
Well I figured since my last photo was Christmas of 05, I figured I would put one in of Christmas of 06. Maybe I will get one up there soon of 07 ;) But who knows... I may not post for another 9 months. Ha ha.
Au revior.